I Need Help With My Bladder But I’m Worried…
Only a fraction of people ever receive any kind of care for their bladder problems. One of the greatest barriers to care for Overactive Bladder is that most patients wait months or years before ever seeking any help. I am willing to be that at least some of you have not sought help for OAB because you are worried about having to endure expensive or invasive testing to diagnose and treat Overactive Bladder. Lean how easy and simple the evaluation for OAB can really be.

Dear Diary…
The bladder diary is a written log that may include information about how frequently urination happens, how much urine is produced with each void, how much liquid is consumed, whether any urine leakage occurs, and what was happening when leakage occurred. Several studies demonstrate that voiding diaries are completed by the vast majority of patients asked to do so.