Watch for These Bladder Warning Signs
On The OAB Clinic information portal we spend a lot of time talking about Overactive Bladder (OAB) treatments that you can manage on your own. However, there are some bladder situations that should prompt an evaluation by a health care provider.
To Charge or Not To Charge…
Recent advanced in sacral neuromodulation mean that you have important choices when deciding on this therapy for Overactive Bladder (OAB). Should you choose one of the new rechargeable SNM generators? Join us for an in-depth discussion that will help you decide for yourself.
Is It Safe? How Sling Surgery Is Different From Vaginal Prolapse Mesh.
With an estimated 15 million American women reporting stress incontinence, it is also natural that surgical therapy for Stress Incontinence would be common. But actions taken by the FDA over the last decade have meant considerable confusion for people who are considering surgical management of Stress Incontinence. Today I’ll answer some of the most common questions I hear in my practice.